What is an ELD? An ELD is an electronic logging device that is used by drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) to automatically record driving time and Hours of Service (HOS) records, as well as capture data on the vehicle’s engine, movement and miles driven. The ELD keeps truck drivers and dispatchers informed of driver status in real-time to support fleet compliance, inspections and planning. ELDs are made up of several parts, including a vehicle tracking device which connects to the truck, fleet management software and a mobile app.
Who needs to use an ELD? Anybody who was previously required to file a Record of Duty Status (RODs) should be using an ELD:
What are the benefits of ELDs? ELDs have many important benefits for carriers. Most importantly, electronic logging helps improve driver safety by enforcing stronger compliance to Hours of Service regulations, reducing driver fatigue. Eliminating paper logbooks also increases the accuracy of record-keeping and saves time.
Top ELD benefits for carriers:
Increase driver safety and save lives
Simplify the process of keeping Records of Duty Status (RODS)
Increase Hours of Service compliance by automating Recording of Duty Status for drivers
Reduce paperwork for drivers and office staff
Save time and money spent on office administration
Minimize the risk of errors with automated tracking
What's solution PCL provide?
Support for fuel tax (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) mileage reporting
Real time location monitoring
Vehicle inspection reporting
Driver behavior
Fuel consumption monitoring
Fuel level monitoring
Engine fault reporting
PCL TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED ICP 2021010888 Telephone:86-0755-36977858 Address:Building D, Floor 13E, HuiLongDa Industrial Park, ShiYan Street, BaoAn District, Shenzhen, China